Review: King Conan – The Hour of the Dragon #6

This is the last issue of the Hour of the Dragon, but this issue keeps adding to the story, instead of concluding it. Of course, this is really just the halfway point in Dark Horse’s adaptation of Robert E. Howard‘s Hour of the Dragon. The story continues in February as King Conan: the Conqueror, and I can’t wait. I may have expressed some doubts in previous reviews of this series, but this issue does not disappoint. This series is a classic Conan story from the team of Timothy Truman, Tomás Giorello, and José Villarrubia.

In this issue, King Conan sneaks out of Aquilonia into the still-loyal province of Poitain, just to take off alone again in search of the Heart of Ahriman. This month’s comic has ancient superstitions, magic and treachery, and even some undead for Conan to fight off. It ends the six-part miniseries on a high note, and I imagine the next six issues will be just as good.

The writing and artwork are just as good as before; if you’re already keeping up with this series you don’t need me to say it again. The team of Truman, Giorello, and Villarrubia is one of the better creative teams in recent Conan comics, and it shows in this series. The Hour of the Dragon is not an easy story to tell in just twelve issues, but judging by the first six, I think they’ll do a good job.

There isn’t much left for me to say about this issue except to recommend it. As always, the cover price is $3.50. Definitely pick this one up if you liked the previous issues. This goes without saying, but if you just now found out about this series, the first issue is a better place to start. The Hour of the Dragon is a classic Conan story filled with violence, magic, and even some political intrigue, and Truman, Giorello, and Villarrubia are well on their way to creating an excellent adaptation of it.

Danilo Culibrk, aka Augustus, is a staff writer for the Red Shirt Crew. He stole the Heart of Ahriman and fenced it to a wandering merchant. You can follow his boat down the Khorotas River on Twitter at @Augustusing.

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