Category Archives: Oglaf

Son Im a college kid I wwebcomic as on the internet

Good afternoon, Travelers! Yet another Steam sale has ended, leaving me without my promised ALL THE STEAM GAMES. ALL OF THEM. Expect my lawsuit in a few weeks. (Note: in case the Valve ninjas read this blog, I’m not going to actually sue you. So don’t sue me. Or the blog. Unless you want to sue Marist, then go ahead dear friends!)

Travelers, I wanna talk to you about an important issue plaguing our society. Lack of awareness of sound quality. I’ll keep it simple: LOSSY COMPRESSION IS SATAN. Listen. Data storage is so gosh-darn cheap that for the love of raptor jesus, can’t we all just get 2 terabyte HDDs, a good FLAC player, and burn the memories of mp3 standard levels below 320 kbit/s?!? Honestly, though around the 256 mark it’s pretty reliable sound quality, but when you’re gonna spring for 256 just aim for the top (I’m lookin at you, iTunes). My main issue with the traditional “blah blah we n33d 2 have smaller size files to share with arr frndz lol hurrhurr” argument is: 1) the grammar in that argument is terrible 2) with things like Dropbox, 25mb attachment limit on Gmail, you can oh-so-simply send great quality lossless, or supahigh quality flacs (alac for all you satanists), mp3s (oggs for all you policy nerds and wikipedians), and don’t you dare bring up RealPlayers (or I will find you), with great ease. Just… let’s leave bad compression (Youtube) in the past and all get a ton of really cheap, fast storage, okay?
(This rant has been brought to you by the beautiful noises filling my ears thanks to Audio Technica monitor headphones. Thanks AudioTechnica!)

Let us talk webcomics. Shall we? List time!! List time!! Hooray for list time!!
This one, like Daniel Tosh, shall start its set with mass appeal and work its way down.

1. Penny Arcade
If you derive enjoyment from this blog, you will/do love Penny Arcade. Simple as that.

2. Questionable Content
Ok, this one is pretty universally enjoyed, but it’s pretty plot driven and a bit NSFW, and both of those things are not everybody’s cup of tea. I’d safely recommend it to anyone who enjoys webcomics.

3. Ctrl + Alt + Del
I’m starting with this one because I want to say this only once, and keep it short and sweet. IT’S NOT THAT BAD. I’m looking at you, gullible internet. The abridging and mocking tactics used to deride this successful webcomic made by a professional (e.g. somebody who makes money doing what they love instead of mocking someone else’s life success from their parents’ basement) are as original as your sun-deprived nerd chic, trolls, and they’re not that clever either. The least you could do if you’re copping age old jealousy-raged-bully tactics is be smart about it. But you’re not. So shut up, you’re so annoying. If you wanna berate a man for having to deal with the biggest pile of trash of a fanbase since the ICP, go ahead. You’re making yourselves look great.

4. Least I Could Do
More Blind Ferret! Welcome, dear travelers, to the force of professionalism in the webcomics industry. You are looking at Ryan Sohmer and currently Lar DeSouza, the godfathers of webcomics, heroes of a industry constantly struggling with manifold identity crises. Never, in its long running history, has Ryan Sohmer missed an update because he was drunk, out of ideas, having family problems, or any other excuse some modern webcomic artists use when they missed scheduled updates on either Least I Could do or Looking for Group, the two webcomics for which he writes. He has strong opinions which he voices through the impeccably designed character Rayne Summers, and rightfully owns his place as legendary geek-king supreme. That’s totally an official title.

5. Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
The weak of heart, those with overly sensitive= social consciences, and normal people stay away. Only sadistic, black-humor happy nerds need apply.

6. Oglaf NSFW (seriously just stay away) (I’m not linking it, google it)
BEWARE. But enjoy.