League of Legends Season 3 Preview Part One

Updated! Are you a fan of competitive League of Legends? Would you like to know what the hell is going on in the most popular eSport in the world? Sounds like you need a two part podcast with MaristPlayBoy and Skyler!

Editor’s Note: Apparently, Kiwi6, while awesome and free, does not allow you to embed two separate podcasts on the same post. Here is the actual North American Preview. The second part will be in a separate article. Sorry for any inconvenience. 

Yes, everyone, we are once again coming off a rather long lull in content, but I think you’ll find its more than worth it when you listen to Skyler and I break down the competitive League of Legends scene in this massive two part Power Rankings Podcast. Enjoy!

Part One: The North American Teams

P.S. If you want to see what MaristPlayBoy has been up to recently, you can read his posts from Toy-TMA here. Especially this article, in which he channels his inner Egoraptor and discusses some flaws in Pokemon’s overall game feel.
Chase Wassenar, aka MaristPlayBoy, is the Editor-in-Chief of the Red Shirt Crew, and a regular contributor at Toy TMA. You can follow him on Twitter at @RedShirtCrew or email him at theredshirtcrew@gmail.com.

Skyler is a sometimes contributor for the blog who loves League of Legends and Game Grumps as much as he loves breathing. You can try to contact him, but it probably won’t get you very far.

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