Wasteland 2

Brian Fargo is back with Wasteland 2! Here are my thoughts on the awesome!

Evenin’ Travelers! Long time no see… Are you enjoying the new site? It will continue to be your one stop shop for the sharpest, most incisive coverage of the coolest comics and the greatest gaming (and other geek glory). And with that, on to business!

Oh, Travelers, business sure is good. Sheer excitement about none other than the sky cracking open, light flowing torrential from the heavens, and in the midst of the melee the return of Brian Fargo (aka’d as the least scary looking game developer ever… I’m looking at you, Tom French). Fargo’s coming back in style with a Wasteland sequel, which, while I didn’t play it when it first came out, I have loved with all my heart with a delayed (but strong) love. The return of the King goes like this: Kickstarter, the collective fan funding website extraordinaire, allows a creator to start an internet pledge drive with rewards for certain donation levels, etc. Fargo found out about Kickstarter (through Double Fine’s insane success), and said, “You know what? I love old school RPGs, the fans love old school RPGs, and I will deliver on my own money if I have to. But if you give me money, you get a ridiculously awesome game!” Or something like that. I recommend watching his funny and informative videos here at the Kickstarter page, and donating as you see fit.

If you don’t know, Brian Fargo is the juggernaut behind monsters like Bards Tale, Neuromancer, the Wolfenstein series, some Lord of the Rings games, Star Trek games… here, see for yourself. One last thought about how exciting Wasteland 2 will be: Wasteland was an RPG, one of the originals. But, it was also strong and original in its incredible writing, had tactical combat, and was set in an original post-apocalyptic RPG landscape. You didn’t mess around in the game, you were not Rambo. We’ve complained about the death of strategy in modern games on the podcasts before. This is the return. Expect more updates from me on these Wasteland matters when more information comes, but for now, GET EXCITED!

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