Category Archives: Upcoming

From the Armory: Coming Attractions


Kernel Sanders here with a quick update on the next few weeks of from the Armory. Now as a hard core Nerfer and Modder I tend to throw around terminology that can sometimes be vague, unspecific, or just confusing, so to clear all that up I’ll be providing a glossary of Nerf related terms as a reference as we launch into the next series of articles.

These will entail new posts on arsenal building, identifying what your fighting style is along with general suggestions of what weapons tend to work best for that style. I will then write articles outlining what I believe is the single best weapon for each style, then follow up with a list of guns to avoid.

Slotted in there somewhere will be a quick look at the blasters that either have recently jumped or are about to jump the pond. There are quite a few these days so get excited.

Normal service will resume after that.

So if you ever wanted to start Nerfing and you had no idea where to begin, this series can help.

That’s all I have for you right now, this is Kernel Sanders, signing off.

P.S. This announcement is not a replacement for this week’s review of the Praxis. Real life has stepped in to make my day difficult so I haven’t gotten it quite finished yet, but rest assured it is coming.