Category Archives: Thieves

Raccoon Thieves, Obnoxious Turtles, and Bouncing Clue Bottles, aka the wonder that is the Sly Cooper Series

So, in just a few days, the Sly Cooper Series will be 10 years old. What is the Sly Cooper series, you ask?

Well, I’m glad you ask. The Sly Cooper games are probably one of my favorite game series ever. They’re not the most complex of games, story wise, but they’re amazing for what they are.

<——–See this guy? That's Sly. He's a raccoon. And a thief. He comes from a family of thieves. Master Raccoon thieves to be exact. They steal from criminals, because, after all, there's "no honor or glory in stealing from regular people." With his friends, Bentley the turtle (who's mildly obnoxious in the first game but gets better) and Murray the hippo (who is….adorable but slightly useless, but then he gets better….I promise)
You see that book, down there? That’s the Thievius Raccoonus….the book that contains all the secrets of the Master Raccoon Thieves of the Cooper Clan throughout time. Yeah. That’s actually the name.

Okay, so there are 3 games in the series, and the 4th is coming out next Februrary for the PS3. The first game, Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus, tells the story of Sly trying to avenge his family and get back the Thievius Raccoonus from the Fiendish Five, who stole it when he was 8 (and killing his father in the process). The second game, Sly 2 Band of Thieves, shows the Cooper Gang trying to steal the Clockwerk parts back from the Klaww Gang (I promise that will make sense if you play the first game.) And the third game, Sly 3 Honor Among Thieves, shows Sly expanding the Cooper Gang to get his family’s vault back from the terrible, horrible Dr. M, and get the fortune that is rightfully his.

So, the reason I like these games is pretty much this: they tell great stories, without getting horribly complex. The game play is very simple, and it’s easy, without being too easy to get boring. I personally don’t like games that are horrendously complex. While I like Dragon Age, where your choices impact the results of the game, I like that Sly Cooper has a straightforward plot. You progress from level to level, and plot happens. The plot is very well done, without taking itself too seriously. They break the 4th wall so many times, it’s great. I love it.

So, if you have a PS2 that still works, I recommend these 3 games quite highly. They were apparently rereleased for the PS3, so, if you have one of those, play these games. They’re easy games to play: I beat the first one in about 10 hours. So. It’s fun to play, and won’t take up too much of your time.

Until next time, then,
Angel out!