Category Archives: the voice


Okay guys, this is going to be kind of a brief post because it’s late at night and I just worked three hours in the scene shop guh.

Anyway, what I’d like to talk about is the awesome NBC reality show The Voice. I know it has already had one season that happened over the summer, but it just came back for a second season and I am so excited! In case you didn’t know, The Voice is somewhat like American Idol, except much more…civilized, I think is the word. I call it civilized because the judges (Christina Ageuleria (def spelled that wrong), Adam Levine, Cee-lo Green, and Blake Shelton) are never rude and are always constructive. (Though Christina is pretty vague sometimes). Also, the auditions don’t contain any weirdo contestants that are just used to laugh at. For the most part, the contestants in the audition segment of the show are pretty talented, even the ones who don’t make the cut. And the auditions aren’t a capella like American Idol, The Voice contestants get a full band to back them up.

What happens is the judges have the back of their chairs facing the performer so that they can’t see who is singing–that way it is based soley on the performer’s voice alone. If the judges like what they hear, they hit a button and their chair turns around. If only one judge turns around, they get that singer for their eight person team. If more than one judge turns around, then the singer gets to choose whose team they want to be on. Then as the show goes on, the judges coach the members of their team and help them prepare themselves for the next show. By the finale, one person from each team remains.

I know a lot of people say that The Voice is the same as American Idol, and true, the whole reality singing compeition aspect is the same, but I think NBC goes about it in a different way that puts a new twist on the competition like the fact that duos can try out, and older and younger people too.
So everyone should go watch The Voice! The best part, honestly, is the fact that Cee-lo shows off his white cat that he pets during his interviews. What.

Happy Tuesday!