Category Archives: st. vincent

October Playlist

Hey there interwebs, this week I’ve got the ultimate October playlist for your iPod or whatever sort of device you use. I’ve always categorized music that I listen to by the month that I discovered the song–literally, my playlists on my iPod are like “October 2010, August 2011,” etc. So here are some of my favorites (that I’m sure you’ll like too) from across all three of my October playlists. I’ll attach links for your convenience.

1) Second Chance by Peter Bjorn and John: This song is just so incredibly catchy
2) Hostage by Jack’s Mannequin: a track off the new CD by my favorite band
3) The Party by St. Vincent: This girl has a pretty unique style but all her songs are very intricately composed.
4) The Walk by Mayer Hawthorne: Two words: Classy and groovy.
5) Cameras by Matt and Kim: This song has a crazy awesome hook right off the bat.
6) Je n’en connais pas la fin by Jeff Buckley: This song is older and makes me think of a carnival in France.
7) Do You Love Me by Guster: This song is so jaunty and the music video is pretty cool too.
8) Love Vigilantes by Iron and Wine: A simple song with mainly acoustic guitar. Very pretty.
9) Blame it on the Girl by Mika: Mika is the greatest. No other male can hit those super high notes like he can!
10) Mr. Blue Sky by Electric Light Orchestra: This one is an oldie and I heard it for the first time in the movie “The Invention of Lying.”
11) Lake of Silver Bells by Carbon Leaf: This band isn’t too well known, but they’re from Virginia and are great musicians.
12) Fake Palindromes by Andrew Bird: This guy is so incredibly talented and plays a bajillion instruments. Take a gander at his other stuff if you get the chance.
Enjoy the music!

Happy Tuesday y’all!