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Wrestlemania XXVIII Preview

 Will The Streak Continue? Will the Rock break? Will The Big Show choke?  See what I have to say about all of these questions and more in my Wrestlemania Preview.


John Cena
Piercedbeanie here as your WWE correspondent.  As some of you may know, Wrestlemania XXVIII is this sunday. There are 8 big matches to look forward to, and I’m here to break them down.

So in no particular order of when the matches will happen we start with…

John Cena vs. The Rock

This match was set up a year ago at Wrestlemania XXVII. The Rock returned last year to host, and upon his return, he decided to verbally attack John Cena. Then, during Cena’s Wrestlemania match against the Miz, the Rock decided to interfere and Rock Bottom Cena, allowing the Miz to retain his title. Next night on Raw, they decided to make us all wait an entire year before they would have a match to deal with this. The Rock disappeared yet again to go make another movie or something, until he finally came out of the woodwork a few months ago. At this point, the Rock stumbles thru promos as Cena rips him apart verbally. This goes on for a while until finally, the Rock does an amusing acoustic guitar promo.  My prediction for this match is that Cena will win and the Rock will continue to go do movies, returning only to promote his movies.

Undertaker vs. Triple H

This match will be a Hell in a Cell Match, and Shawn Michaels will be the Special Guest Referee.  This match is just here because the Undertaker has to have a match, even though he hasn’t been wrestling since last year’s Wrestlemania, in which he had to be carried out on a stretcher even though he won.  Triple H was his opponent last year. Triple H kicked his ass, but the Dead Man just wouldn’t quit.  This has eaten at the Undertaker for months, so he wants a rematch in hopes of once again beating Triple H and making his Wrestlemania streak 20-0.  My prediction for this match is that we are going to watch the Undertaker have a heart attack in the middle of the ring. I swear, we were close to seeing it last year. He is just too old and needs to quit.

CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho

I am happy that this match is happening, but I am not happy with how they have been spinning it recently.  It was fine with them just wanting to find out who is the best; Jericho started it by stating that everyone is copying him and claiming that CM Punk is the worst at it.  As it kept going, Jericho then decided to start mentioning CM Punk’s family.  First, he brought up CM Punk’s Father, who is an Alcoholic, and then recently his sister, who supposedly is a drug addict.  I’m sorry WWE, but we don’t need that sort of stuff to sell a match; the match was sold prior to that.  This match is for the WWE Championship, and it looks to be a good one despite the marketing errors.  CM Punk holds the title and I believe he will successfully defend it.

Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus

Daniel Bryan is the World Heavyweight Champion. He has held that title by running away, count outs, and forcing people to interfere in matches and attack him so that he wins by DQ. Sheamus is looking to end that. He won the chance to face any champion he wants at Wrestlemania after winning the Royal Rumble earlier this year. He waited until after the Elimination Chamber PPV event to see who still held the belts, and once it was over, he decided to go after the cocky, self righteous piece of shit that is Daniel Bryan. My Prediction is simple: Sheamus will destroy Bryan.

Cody Rhodes vs. Big Show

This is for the Intercontinental Championship. Cody Rhodes kept poking the giant by pointing out how the Big Show is a choke artist at Wrestlemania.  He says that Big Show can win easily on any other night, but once Wrestlemania comes around, he crumbles under the pressure. He proved this point by showing a few of Big Show’s embarrassing moments from Wrestlemania, including when Floyd Mayweather knocked him out, and when he lost to a Sumo Wrestler in a Sumo match. Well, when you poke the giant, he will strike back. Now that Big Show has been provoked, he has all the motivation he needs to finally shine on the big night. I’m picking Big Show in this one.

Randy Orton vs. Kane

Once Kane lost to Cena in an Ambulance match at the Elimination Chamber PPV, he opted to go after Randy Orton, who had just come back from a leave of absence. From that point on, Orton and Kane have been sneak attacking each other at almost every show. Finally, someone remembered that matches should be made, and this matchup is the culmination of the build up we’ve seen for months. Since Kane returned, he has returned to form. It’s hard to root against him, especially since he now wears his mask again (awesome). However, I want to see Orton win.  Either way, this will be a good match.

Kelly Kelly & Maria Menounos vs. Beth Phoenix & Eve

Now, I give the women’s division a lot of credit. Most of the women actually do wrestle, and they’re capable of some great match-ups. However, I feel like this match is going to be terrible.  Maria Menounos isn’t a wrestler; she is from Extra.  This is a gimmick match straight up, and I think it will be terrible.  So, sorry. I am not gonna say too much about this match other than this: I think Kelly Kelly and Maria will be victorious simply because Maria is on the team.

Last match is a doozy: Team Teddy vs. Team Johnny

As you can see, this is a 12 man Tag Team Match. If Team Teddy wins,  Teddy Long will be the General Manager for both Raw and Smackdown. If Team Johnny wins, John Laurinaitis will take the role.  Teddy’s team, led by team captain Santino, includes Kofi Kingston, R-Truth, Zack Ryder, The Great Khali and Booker T. Team Johnny, led by team captain David Otunga, includes Mark Henry, Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger, The Miz and Drew McIntyre.  This is going to be an insane, unpredictable match. We will probably rarely know who the legal man in the ring is, though, and that can be annoying.  I am just hoping that Team Teddy wins cause Laurinaitis is and has always been terrible at his job.

So that is my preshow review and predictions of Wrestlemania. I hope you enjoyed it, and I shall be back again to give updates for each PPV. Here’s to hoping it lives up to the hype.