Category Archives: purpleeyeswtf

Everyone Loves Movies and Games! And Funny Things!

‘Lo Travelers! First up, I had a dental procedure done, so forgive my brevity. I’ll keep it sweet and simple: off color humor, the movies, dem vidjo gamez, and FOOD. Dear God, what I wouldn’t do for a burrito right now… see, I haven’t really eaten in a while. The procedure. When I don’t eat for a while, I fiend for burritos and donuts. Heck, I dream about them. What about you, travelers, is what do you start to yearn for when you fast? Yummy, yummy Mexican food for me. And Dunkin Donuts. Saw Girl Wit Dat Dragoon Tattoo, it was great, blah blah Just Cause 2, Terraria, Skyrim, Killin Flo, LFD2, and Mass Effect are my video game haunts right now, Dave Chappelle is a fine comedian indeed.

While mostly immobile, I spend time trolling YouTube. With the little-lamented closing of Google videos, I have to individually visit Metacafe, Break, DailyMotion, and the other miscellaneous time-wasters manually. How dare they! Aah, well, it didn’t work all that well anyway. Best YouTube channels in no particular order (this fits in with off-color humor)!

1. egoraptor
He has great original content (flash videos), an unbeatable sense of metahumor, and makes one of my favorite flash series(es?), Girlchan in Paradise, a very intelligent anime parody (presented nonsensically [as is anime’s wont]). Buuuut, he updates infrequently, so be ready to be sad. He’s making more stuff right now though! So, also be happy!

2. sxephil
Fine taste in music, vicious analytic mind, voice for the YouTube community/generation, blogger supreme, and champion of the world (The Philip DeFranco Show is defined as ‘the world’ right now), ladies n gents, PhillyD. He’s a Whovian, an amiable host of a frank, broad topic’d show, lover of woman, and friend to man. This guy is my favorite ‘YouTuber,’ and I hold an immense amount of respect for his grounded intellect, ability as a purveyor of awesome, and irreverent sense of humor. Philip DeFranco, I salute you as a long time fan who’s wasted hours on your show.

3. raywilliamjohnson
The best, most popular reviewer of viral videos. Professional and unprofessional in all the right places, Ray does a bang up job of delivering interesting viral videos in a style only he can perfect, with lots of terrible puns, black humor, and gay jokes (just… trust me, there’s a lot of those). Forum!

4. toby turner
Audience?! Everything he does is gold. Tobuscus old, Tobuscus new, literal trailers (JEFF BRIDGES!!), skits, little vlogs, whatever. Even playing guitar. Snappy, well edited, original content (and dubs!), great channel.

5. purpleeyeswtf
Time for abridgers! Abridging (specifically referring to Anime Abridged Series here, travelers) is a movement started by LittleKuriboh (cardgamesftw as seen beloooow), and exploited to everyone’s benefit in good humor, with good humor. Either you like the style or you don’t, but PurpleEyesWTF’s particular flavor, his brand of abridging is fresh, fast paced, and equal parts relevant and irrelevant to the subject matter. None Piece (One Piece parody) is phenomenal, Code MENT (Code Geass parody) is a little rougher at the beginning, but amazing later on. Both are works in progress.

6. cardgamesftw
The original, the man who started it all. LittleKuriboh, proprietor of this channel and creator of the abridging style and the the first, arguably best series (YuGiOh! Abridged), has his own site, but this channel will do as well. Epic humorist and Brit supreme, you’ll like SOMETHING that he does, whether or not you like it all. Is a key member in TeamFourStar, a collective of the best abridgers that abridges all things DBZ. Again, arguably the best.

7. hahaha10001
The least of all these channels listed here, this one’s only on the list because he kindly put up Daniel Tosh’s whole first special onto the YouTubes. Great comedian, great special.

Enjoy, travelers. Deadline, met? Seacrest, out.