Category Archives: psych

Meet the Crew: Baker Street Holmes

Doc Watson: Today, we’re introducing a new author for the blog. Fellow readers, I introduce to you my dear friend and associate, Baker Street Holmes.
Baker Street Holmes: Thanks, Watson! So I’m brought to understand that there is tradition within the red shirt crew to use the first post an introduction.  Where to begin…
Well, I guess I should begin by saying that Doc Watson is my best friend, hence my first connec-tion to the blog, as well as the root of my Nom de Plume.  He directed me to here, and I was so enamored with the site that when they asked if I would be interested in contributing… I can’t do this: I begged.  Pity was taken.  Here I am.

I share Junior Varsity’s love for Shakespeare and am still waiting for “And That’s Shakespeare: Hamlet” and “And That’s Shakespeare: The Tempest”, two of my favorites.  I also love fantasy, I’m a big fan of the Kingmaker, Kingbreaker series and the Circle of Magic Series.  Really anything with a novel system of magic (see what I did there?).  I’m going to talk more about books in an upcoming post.
As far as games go, I’m a huge RPG fan.  HUGE.  I love MMORPGs, most of all the City of Heroes/Villains series.  Handheld consoles are mostly restricted to Pokemon though home console games include Rogue Galaxy, Oblivion, Marvel Ultimate Alliance (1 and 2), Fallout: New Vegas and so on.  Probably my biggest passion has been table top/pen and paper roleplaying games and I have played everything from a psychotic drow child to a post-apocalyptic Don Quixote; a cyborg-octopus hacker to a MLP:FiM Pegasus paladin.
So as for some real content for this first post I’d like to recall a topic from one of the Red Shirt Crew’s own podcasts: Top 5 TV characters.  My attention was captured by this mostly because I never really thought about what my top TV characters would be.  After a lot of thought, these are the characters I decided upon:
Kaylee of Firefly:  She is amazing.  She’s cute, adorable in affect, but she’s not a wallflower.  She speaks her mind and doesn’t shy away from any topic be it love, dildo use, sexual interests, and so on.  She’s a genius with engines and incredibly loyal to her crew and Serenity.  Number 2 on my list of most attractive celebrities.
Dr. Spencer Reid of Criminal Minds:  He. Is. A. Genius.  Literally: IQ = 187.  Degrees and doctorates all over the place and an eidetic memory to go with them.  But what I love the most about his character is how socially awkward he can be.  One minute he’s telling you the day and time of a co-worker’s birth and then he’s confused by the term BFF (best friends forever, in case we have any Dr. Reids out there).  It’s hilarious.
Burton “Gus” Guster from Psych: Triple threat of perfect best friend/side kick traits: multitalented (tap dancing, encyclopedic knowledge of pharmaceuticals, “Super-sniffer”), amazing bravery and loyalty when it really matters, and willingness to put-up with Shawn’s high-jinks.  Should I ever become a fake psychic detective (something I have not ruled out), I want Gus by my side.
Brian Griffin from Family Guy: Actually more of a serious answer than you might expect.  In many ways his portrayal on Family Guy is an expression of the internal struggle we all face between our animal instinct and a desire to fit to societal expectations.  He can talk about political problems one minute and then be chasing after his own tail in the very next scene, usually embarrassed or frustrated that he has lapsed into primal reactions.  That, and he’s funny.
Lastly: Ms. Frizzle of The Magic School Bus:  Because fuck yeah Ms. Frizzle!
Introducing: Baker Street Holmes