Category Archives: Ness

Hogwarts Region: Day One (Edited)

Voldemort vs. Captain Barbossa! Joker vs. The White Witch of Narnia! Dr. Doom vs. Ike! Majin Buu vs. Ness! It’s the start of a new region in the Tournament of Champions, and MaristPlayBoy is here to break down all the action.

New to the action? Check out the introduction to the Tournament of Champions here.
Kanto Region: Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5
Tatooine Region: Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4, Day 5

There are some great match-ups today, so lets head to the Hogwarts region and get right to it!

1. Voldemort vs. 32. Captain Barbossa

Captain Barbossa is the main antagonist of Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, only to be resurrected in Dead Man’s Chest so he can be a protagonist in At World’s End. At times like this, I’ve learned to just go with it, and I suggest you do as well. This is all you need to know: he’s a slightly above average pirate with no formal training and no freedom to perform any trickery given the established Final Destination stage battleground. There’s a reason he’s a thirty-two seed, people.

Lord Voldemort, on the other hand, is the Dark Lord of the Harry Potter universe who serves as the most powerful force of evil in the world. He is incredibly intelligent, to the extent that even Dumbledore acknowledges the Dark Lord’s knowledge is more extensive than any wizard alive, and was the most brilliant student Hogwarts had ever seen. Once you factor in his incredible power and sheer ruthlessness, it’s pretty easy to see who will win this fight. You-Know-Who advances.

16. Joker vs. 17. The White Witch of Narnia

This match-up is the one most affected by the location. The Joker is arguably Batman’s greatest villain. A true force of chaos, his trickery is unpredictable, yet always well thought out. He’s an insanely good escape artist, can keep up in hand-to-hand combat with Batman, and has a ton of gadgets that allow him to set traps. But as I stated before, the stage doesn’t really give Joker the freedom to do much sneaky planning. Much like Ezio, his battle plans are incredibly limited here, and that does limit his power.

Jadis, more commonly known as the White Witch of Narnia, is the main antagonist of the first five Narnia novels, and is an incredibly powerful magic user. Unfortunately, she doesn’t have her magical powers in any realm other than Narnia, so having to travel to Hogwarts for this battle really hurts her here. She still has superhuman strength (she can bend iron bars), but I think Joker’s agility will allow him to dodge most attacks, and Joker’s trickiness will allow him to use the White Witch’s strength against her. I think it will be a great fight, but in the end, the Joker is the smarter fighter, and his ability to adjust on the fly and manipulate his opponents will give him the slight edge here…

1. Voldemort vs. 16. Joker

…Not that it matters given his opponent here. Any gadgets Joker would want to use here would break down in the presence of magic (I call this the Jim Butcher Doctrine) and he’d never get close enough to engage in hand-to-hand combat. Once you consider Joker is likely nuts and therefore definitely has no mental resistance, Lord Voldemort becomes the easy pick here. The Dark Lord advances.

8. Dr. Doom vs. 25. Ike

Ike is incredibly underrated in this tournament. He’s an incredible swordsman from the Fire Emblem series with a sword, Ragnell, that’s been blessed by the goddess. He has been able to take out the most powerful enemies of the Fire Emblem universe, and he is strong enough to use his two-handed sword with only one hand. He’s a badass, and he deserves more credit than a lowly 25 seed.

That said, he’s not Doctor Doom. Doctor Doom, the main villain of the Fantastic Four and one of the most prominent villains in the Marvel universe. He’s more intelligent than even Reed Richards, and he has the ability to steal other people’s superpowers with his scientific advancements. He has has been tutored by Morgan Le Fey in mystical capabilities, to the point where he can shoot energy beams from his hands, create protective shields, and summon hordes of demons. And this doesn’t even get into his armor, which augments his strength to superhuman levels. It’d be a different story if Ike could get close enough to land a blow with his sword, but given Doctor Doom’s ranged abilities, I highly doubt that would be the case. Doctor Doom moves on.

9. Majin Buu vs. 24. Ness

Ness is the protagonist of Mother 1 and 2 (known as Earthbound stateside), and he’s a psionic champion. His psychic abilities allow him to control just about every weapon imaginable. He has very strong damage resistance, as well as more resilience (here represented by hit points). His psi abilities are incredibly powerful, though they do cost him a lot of energy. For a child, he’s a opponent that should not be taken lightly.

Majin Buu, an antagonist from the Dragonball universe, takes everything lightly, but there’s no reason for him not to given his incredible power. He can mimic any physical attack just by viewing it once, and can instantly regenerate from every bodily wound, though he can be injured easily. He’s basically capable of defeated any physical opponent…

…but Ness isn’t a physical opponent. His greatest moves are all psionic, and Majin Buu has no defense against psionic powers. He can’t mimic them. He can’t heal from them, because you can’t regenerate from mental damages. Majin Buu is probably the better overall fighter, but the seeding here screws him over. Ness advances in a major upset.

8. Doctor Doom vs. 24. Ness

As I said before, Ness is really a one-note fighter. His psychic powers are incredible, but he is just a little kid. He’s not going to much of a physical fighter. Doctor Doom can protect himself from psionic attacks with his energy shields, and he’s far more physically powerful than Ness. Doctor Doom moves on.

Which leads us to our final battle of the day:

1. Voldemort vs. 8. Doctor Doom

Edited: The original breakdown for the Voldemort vs. Doctor Doom match had Doctor Doom winning in an upset. Looking back at my breakdown with a fresh(er) set of eyes, I’ve decided to change the outcome of this battle. My reasoning is below:

This is yet another example of how the Jim Butcher Doctrine determines the course of so many battles in this tournament. Sure, Doctor Doom has magical capabilities that allow him to defend himself against Voldemort’s attacks, at least for a time, but the only way he could gain an advantage is with a physical strike (which, while difficult due to Voldemort’s apparation and flying abilities, isn’t impossible to imagine). However, if he got close enough to Voldemort to be able to attack physically, his power suit would break down due to magical interference, and he’d lose his augmented strength and damage resistance. Without a physical advantage, the battle has become one of pure magic, and I think we all know who the better magic user is in this tournament. Doctor Doom would last longer than one might expect, but Voldemort will advance to the Sweet Sixteen.

Agree with my choices? Wish to strike me down with a cruciatus curse? Let me know in the comments, and be sure to come back tomorrow as I break down epic fights. Until then, this is MaristPlayBoy, signing out.