Category Archives: Mayans

Red Shirt Crew Podcast with NewDarkCloud

It’s time for a new type of Red Shirt Crew Podcast! This week, MaristPlayBoy, Doc Watson, Baker Strett Holmes, and special guest NewDarkCloud talk about Hostess collapsing, discuss the latest in movies and video games, get excited for Marvel’s 2013 lineup, and prepare for the impending end of the world.

Chase Wassenar, aka MaristPlayBoy, is the Editor-in-Chief of the Red Shirt Crew, and a regular contributor at Toy TMA. You can follow him on Twitter at @RedShirtCrew or email him at

Brandon Lee Carey, aka NewDarkCloud, is a part-time blogger and full-time college student who hopes to break into the world of video gaming someday. You can read his articles at Press Start to Discuss or follow him on Twitter at @newdarkcloud.

Stephen “Doc” Watson is an editor of the Red Shirt Crew and writer of the GameRx column. You can follow him on Twitter at @DocWatsonMD.

Matthew Bryant, aka Baker Street Holmes, is a semi-regular author on the Red Shirt Crew and would love to one day become a professional daydreamer. You can follow him on Twitter at @BStreetHolmes.