Category Archives: glee

Smash your boredom

Looking for some musical drama? Look no further. Junior Varsity has the scoop on TV musical series, Smash.
Say what you will, Glee really started something new: the combination of musical numbers and television. Sure, other shows have done musical episodes, but Glee was the first to really be based around them. However, Glee has since fallen out of grace. But its mark lives on.

NBC has been producing Smash, a new series based totally on a musical. But Smash is different from Glee in several important ways.

1. Smash is about Broadway. The main characters are all working together to put on a musical about Marilyn Monroe.

2. But it’s not just about the actors. Among the main characters of the show you have producers, writers, dancers, assistants, and everything in between. It’s about the full collaboration of theatre-folk, and it neglects no one.

In all the episodes I’ve seen so far, the writing has been sophisticated and enjoyable. People who don’t know musical theatre life would definitely enjoy the show, while people who do will find understanding and a few inside jokes here and there.

Also, since they’re putting on the musical, you obviously get to see some of the musical numbers, which are quite catchy. What Smash does is use the numbers from the musical to convey emotions, rather than picking a song out of the ether for that character to sing. I think this difference was a wise choice, because the story is more cohesive.

Another difference is in the guest stars. Smash has had several very big names mixed into their episodes, but they’re not the pointless “look at me sing” guest stars that killed many people’s interest in Glee. They are woven into the story as actual characters with an actual purpose, and the show is much better for it.

The one thing I’m curious about is where the show will go from here. The musical (in the show) is still in workshop stage, so if they finally get it running in the season finale, will the show end? Or will it move to a new musical entirely? The story has been devastatingly good so far, and the actors are phenomenal. So I’m on the edge of my seat, waiting to see how it’ll turn out.

I guess I’ll have to wait and see.

JV out.