Category Archives: first post

Welcome to the Site

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, there was a man with a dream: to form the greatest blog ever created in the history of anything. Soon, that man realized that was a ridiculous plan and decided to just form a blog concerning the things he enjoyed with the people he liked being around. This…is that blog.

If you can’t tell from that first paragraph, this isn’t the kind of site that takes itself too seriously. This is a blog about fantasy novels. About science fiction. About pokemon and nostalgia. About television, cinema, and video games. About comic books and manga and anime. This is a blog about all things nerdy, beyond even this general list. This is the place where we talk about the things we love and share that love with you, so that you can hopefully enjoy it and share our enjoyment in return.
This is an ambitious project. The plan right now includes content from different authors on a daily basis (I’ll be your man every Friday at 3) concerning all things geeky, from Finnegan Wake to Alan Wake and back across the spectrum once again. It also includes at least one podcast a week with a rotating schedule done by college students who barely know how to work Garage Band (I apologize for early roughness ahead of time; we’re still learning :P), with bonus podcasts developing over time as viewership increases. We’re starting with a team of eight contributors and a web administrator, none of whom have extensive experience with this type of thing. To pull this off will take dedication, discipline, and a heck of a lot of luck.
And I can’t wait.
Seriously, as I sit here editing our first podcast (tomorrow at noon; be excited) and preparing schedules for the first week, I can’t help but be filled with a bit of childhood glee. This is a true pet project of mine, and I can’t wait to see where it will go. My greatest hope is that this blog will reach out to somebody and provide some entertainment and, perhaps, some true insight into the things we hold so dear.
As one of my favorite characters from my childhood once said, “Hobey ho, let’s go!” Thanks for coming along for the ride.