Category Archives: Doctor Cat

If you like us, you’ll love these…

I bet a lot of you are like me, and read more blogs than just this one. In fact, if you’re anything like me, you probably spend a lot of time on the internet. I thought I would take some time today, then, to go ahead and share with you guys some of the things that take up a lot of my free time on the internet. Mainly, the various blogs and webcomics I like to read when I have the time to. You should totally check them out. (In other words, this is the shameless plug article for other people’s stuff!)

1. GameRx Clinic
This blog comes to you from RSC’s own Doc Watson. If you love his articles, you’ll love his blog. It’s basically his articles from the Red Shirt Crew, with significantly more articles.

2.Nerdy Girls Diaries

This blog was recently started by two very good friends of mine. They’re each working on different weight loss goals, and they decided to write about it. It hasn’t been updated very much, but I do know that they’re working on getting more posts up. It’s got some good life choices, and will eventually have some more things about their various journeys as they work towards meeting their goals. I know they’d love having some readers, and just knowing that people are there supporting them and reading through things. Plus, they both enjoy cooking and baking, so, chances are you’ll get some awesome recipes every now and again. 
This is basically one of my favorite webcomics. Jeph Jacques is rather fabulous. Questionable Content tells the story of Marten Reed and his friends, a group of 20-somethings up in Northampton, MA. There’s lots of fun hijinks, absurdity, and robots, balanced well with some slight drama and hilarity as they go through their daily life. It updates Monday through Friday, in case you were wondering. 
This is a webcomic that I recently found and got into. I absolutely love it. Bea Whaley is a modern high school girl, but she starts having dreams about being in the American Revolution. And they’re very real. If you’re a bit of a history nerd, like I can be at points, it’s definitely a good webcomic. The artwork is very pretty, and the story is well thought out and presented. It updates twice a week, on Wednesdays and Fridays. 
This is also a wonderful webcomic. It’s kind of similar to Questionable Content in some ways, in that it just covers daily trials and tribulations of a group of 20 somethings, with a slight focus on the main character, Hazel. Like QC, this comic updates 5 days a week. 
This is an adorable little comic, about a family with a deaf father, and a mother and son who can hear. It’s really cute. It’s more of a one-strip thing than an overarching plot type of comic like the others, but, they’re still incredibly cute and adorable, and it updates on Thursdays. 
This comic is the pinnacle of adorableness. It’s a comic. About a cat. Who is also a doctor. It’s rather self-explanatory really. Sarah finally started updating again, after taking a hiatus due to medical issues. 
There are other comics I read, but I can’t think of them at the moment. Just thought I’d share these few precious gems with you. You should totally check them out if you haven’t already. 
If you’ve got any questions, comments, concerns, or web comics you want to share with me that I haven’t listed, as always, please do so in the comment section. 
Until next time, 
Angel out!