Category Archives: Doc Ock

Tatooine Region: Day 1

Obi-Wan Kenobi vs. Oddjob! Raphael vs. Doc Ock! Harry Potter vs. Nosferatu! Cyclops vs. Jaws! Eight fighters enter, but only one will emerge victorious as we shift our focus in the Tournament of Champions to the Tatooine Region. As always, MaristPlayBoy is here to break down all the action!

New to the action? Check out the introduction to the Tournament of Champions here.
Want to see how the Kanto Region played out? Click the links below to see the region unfold:
Well, it’s the start of a new week, which means it must be the start of a new region. This week, we head to Tatooine to see who will join Mewtwo in the final four of this Tournament of Champions. As always, we have a lot of fights to cover today, so let’s get started!
1. Obi-Wan Kenobi vs. 32. Oddjob

Usually, the 32 seed in these tournaments is an absolute joke, but Oddjob actually holds his own more than one would think. He’s by no means superhuman, but he is a more skilled hand-to-hand fighter than James Bond, and it takes a good deal of cunning to get past him. Most people remember him from Goldeneye 007 on the N64, a classic on the system that allowed players to use him in multiplayer mode. Anyone that’s been killed by his razor sharp hat in that game knows the power of Oddjob.
That said, Obi-Wan Kenobi is the one seed for a reason. At the height of his power, Obi-Wan is arguably the most powerful Jedi in the Star Wars universe. He’s taken down Darth Maul, General Grievous, and Darth Vader, just to name a few of the incredibly powerful Sith agents he’s taken out. If you’re expecting me to give Oddjob a fighting chance in this battle, you need to read that Wikipedia page (I do link to it for a reason, after all). He’s way too accomplished of a fighter to let someone like Oddjob give him a hard time. Obi-Wan advances without breaking a sweat.
16. Raphael vs. 17. Doc Ock

Raphael is the second of the teenage mutant ninja turtles to appear in this tournament, wielding twin sai with a chip on his shoulder. He’s got the desire to be a leader without the charisma and wisdom necessary to do so, but his inability to lead the squad doesn’t mean he’s not a great fighter. He’s able to cut through just about any opponent, and his agility makes him incredibly difficult to hit. He’s a true ninja.
Doc Ock, or Doctor Octopus, on the other hand, is a charismatic genius and a born leader, with superhuman strength thanks to his titanium arms. His arms and battle suit allow him to traverse any terrain with ease, lift several tons, and have superhuman reflexes. Even if Raphael could cut through Doc Ock’s titanium arms, which is unlikely due to their toughness and agility, the arms can be controlled while unattached to Doc Ock’s person, meaning they could always grab Raphael from behind. Doc Ock is too smart to let Raphael get a cheap shot in, and Raphael isn’t smart enough to make a genius fall for one of the ninja turtles’ usual cheesy traps. Raphael puts up a good fight, but Doc Ock is victorious.
1. Obi-Wan Kenobi vs. 17. Doc Ock

Now, I know what you’re thinking: shouldn’t the same things that brought down Raphael spell doom for Obi-Wan? Well, no, they really don’t, and instead of doing a typical breakdown, I’m going to give the top five reasons why Obi-Wan wins this fight, with five meaning, “Yeah, that would be slightly helpful” and one being, “There is no way Doc Ock pulls this out unless someone pulls a Tonya Harding on Obi-Wan before the fight.”
5. Obi-Wan is far more emotionally balanced than Raphael. Raphael always had that inferiority complex caused by Leonardo being the leader. This caused him to be emotionally rash on more than one occasion, which Doc Ock could easily take advantage of due to his superior intellect. But Obi-Wan is a Jedi Master with a profound control over his emotions. No way Obi-Wan gets taken advantage of.
4. Obi-Wan is a lot smarter than Raphael too, especially in terms of battle tactics. Doc Ock tends to take advantage of his superhero opponents because they underestimate his skills. They seem him as old and physically weak, so they take him for granted as an opponent, and that’s when Doc Ock strikes hardest. Obi-Wan has learned not to underestimate any opponent, and he surely won’t make that mistake here.
3. Obi-Wan’s a more disciplined fighter than Raphael. This might seem like the same thing I said above, but intelligence and discipline are slightly different. Intelligence just means he won’t get tricked. Discipline implies that he’ll wait for the perfect opportunity to strike. Most people try to take Doc Ock head-on, which is a big mistake. Those claws are simply too good at defensive fighting. But Obi-Wan can wait patiently and allow Doc Ock to take the offensive, which goes against Doc Ock’s skill set and battle preferences. This makes a massive difference in how the battle plays out, especially when…
2. Doc Ock doesn’t have a lot of physical damage resistance. At his peak, his suit is incredibly powerful…but Doc Ock himself is just an old man. A disciplined fighter would only have to make one solid hit at the center of the suit to take him out for good, which is something that most fighters simply don’t do. Basically, the other three reasons above this imply that Obi-Wan would win as long as Doc Ock had a weakness of which he could take advantage, and the doctor’s incredibly limited physical capabilities outside the suit are a huge weakness here, especially considering…
1. Obi-Wan has the force on his side. Whereas Raphael’s fight would have largely consisted of him flailing to cut off Doc Ock’s arms, only to be grabbed from behind and thrown off the stage, Obi-Wan can win this battle just by waiting for a tiny opening, force leaping into the air, and throwing his light saber into Doc Ock’s chest. Fight over. That’s all it takes. And Obi-Wan has all the prerequisites necessary to make it happen. Sorry Doc Ock, Obi-Wan wins this fight hands down.
8. Harry Potter vs. 25. Nosferatu

Nosferatu, also known as Dracula, is the quintessential vampire. All the things you know about vampires comes from this one. He sucks blood, has a weakness to garlic, holy objects, and bright light, and can only be killed by a stake in the heart. He can make legions of followers join him, and taking over small towns is his specialty. 
Harry Potter is the titular character of the overwhelmingly popular Harry Potter series, and he’s a badass wizard. He’s a master at Defense Against the Dark Arts (and really, isn’t Nosferatu the definition of “dark art”?) and happens to have a spell called Lumos which can shine a bright light into Nosferatu before he can know what’s going on. Harry Potter is more than well-equiped to take Nosferatu out, and the boy that lived advances easily.
9. Cyclops vs. 24. Jaws

To clarify, this is not the shark Jaws, but instead the Bond villain Jaws from The Spy Who Loved Me. Now he should have been a 32 seed; that Jaws is ranked above anyone in this tournament is a mystery to me. Jaws is a henchman with steel teeth that likes to bite through his opponents’ jugular vein. That’s it. He’s not super intelligent, super strong, or even that great of a fighter. He’s just more vicious than most of Bonds’s other opponents.
I also should clarify that this is not the mythological cyclops, but instead Cyclops, leader of the X-Men who can shoot optic blasts out of his eyes that can obliterate almost anything that it hits. Specifically, the blasts are listed as being strong enough to rupture steel. So, Jaws has absolutely no chance against these concussive blasts. Cyclops is left standing confused as to how an opponent could put up so little of a fight as he advances.
8. Harry Potter vs. 9. Cyclops

As I foreshadowed back in my Kanto Day Two analysis last week (you should totally read all those articles at the top of this page; just saying :P), the battle of magic vs. superpowers is one that geeks, nerds, and all similar brethren have been arguing for ages. It’s nearly impossible to come up with a singular answer as to which trumps the other in a fight of equal power levels. This seems to be the case here, as both Harry Potter and Cyclops are natural born leaders with great strength and intelligence and strong command over their respective powers. One could make the argument that Harry could deflect Cyclops’s blasts with his magic, but I think that applies vice versa as well. So, when two fighters are this perfectly matched, what is one to do?
Well, I’m going to give two reasons why I think Harry Potter wins out. First, I think Harry has a deeper variety of moves he can use. Magic is more versatile than concussive energy blasts, and I think he has more to work with when it comes to forming a long term battle strategy just with the sheer multitude of spells at his disposal. The second, and the deciding reason for me, is that Cyclops has a true weakness: without his visor, he loses all control of his blasts. Harry Potter is smart enough to find a way to disable that visor through his magic, and as soon as Cyclops can’t control his accuracy, it’s only a matter of time before Harry Potter can land a finishing blow. It’s damn close, but I give it to Harry Potter.
Time for our final battle of the day!
1. Obi-Wan Kenobi vs. 8. Harry Potter

Harry Potter is underrated in this tournament. I know I say that a lot, but I’d argue he should at least be a 5 seed in this region. At the very least, he shouldn’t have to face a Jedi like Obi-Wan before the regional final four. That said, he’d have to defeat him eventually, and…well, I’m sorry HP fans, but I just don’t see that happening.
I’ve translated magic to the Pokemon Universe before, but let’s look at it in terms of the force. How much different is a force push from a flippendo, when you really get down to it? I don’t think the end results are that different. Harry Potter can use stupefy all he wants, but Obi-Wan likely has a natural resistance to such spells. I think the mind of a Jedi is too disciplined and trained to be affected by the mind-altering spells in the HP universe, and last time I checked, Harry didn’t have an answer for a light saber through his heart. My heart wants Harry Potter to succeed because he is such a strong wizard, but I think Obi-Wan has this one. Obi-Wan advances to the Tatooine Region Final Four in a close fight.
Now it’s time for you all to tell me what you think. Please post in the comments below, and don’t forget to tune in all this week for more battle breakdowns. Until tomorrow, this is MaristPlayBoy, signing out.