Category Archives: cranberries

They’re alive!

For about a week now I’ve had the same song stuck in my head. It’s “Zombie” by the Cranberries, which I hadn’t heard in a long time, and I’d forgotten how much I like it. I listened to it recently, and I’ve been listening to it ever since, more or less. It’s pretty well-known, but if you haven’t heard it you can give it a listen here:
…In your head, and stuck there forever.
This is relevant for two reasons. The less important one is that ever since it’s been stuck in my head, I’ve been trying to figure out how to do that weird vocal thing that Dolores O’Riordan does in the chorus. I’ve pretty much got the rest of the song down – Irish accent, sort of – but the main part is turning out to be incredibly difficult.
The more important reason is this: The Cranberries are back! They’re releasing a new album in February! It’s called “Roses” – appropriate title, perhaps, for an album scheduled for a Valentine’s Day release. It’s their first album since 2001’s “Wake Up and Smell the Coffee.” As a massive Cranberries fan I’m pretty much thrilled. You can preview a few of the new tracks on their website ( and listen to all of “Show Me The Way” here:
Just wanted to pass that information along. Have a nice week 🙂