Category Archives: chainsaw

Review: Shaolin Cowboy #2

I read and enjoyed the first issue of Shaolin Cowboy, even though I didn’t review it. I’m not entirely sure how to summarize this series, other than the title is weirdly indicative of what’s inside, so just prepare for weird as soon as you open the book. The previous issue started with two full pages of just text, explaining the backstory, kind of, but also not really. So, what kind of weirdness does Shaolin Cowboy #2 (written and illustrated by Geof Darrow, colored by Dave Stewart) bring?

I’m really not sure how to explain what I just “read”. I use the term “read” very loosely, as there is not a single word in this issue. Not a speech bubble, narrative box, or even written sound effect. No words, only pictures. This picks up where the previous issue left off, with the Shaolin Cowboy fighting against zombies, or something very closely resembling zombies. As he fights them with two running chainsaws connected by a wooden pole, well, we get an idea of just how crazy good this guy is. No, I am not kidding, that is the entirety of this issue, watching the Shaolin Cowboy fight zombies. He never says a word, no narrator chimes in, and we don’t even see a thought bubble. He just fights zombies.

Yes, there is somehow a story in all of there, playing out solely through the artwork. It isn’t exactly the most complicated story, as you might guess, but it is there. You’ll probably have to look through it a few times, but there is definitely a story in there underneath all of the zombie dismemberment.

For as dismissive as I might sound, the artwork itself is very impressive. For having to draw hundreds of zombies in the issue, they never skimp on the quality, and they’re all drawn with great graphical (and occasionally anatomically disturbing) detail. You could breeze through this issue in a couple minutes, or get lost in the artwork for long stretches of time, which I must admit happened to me a few times, and I’m normally not the art guy at all.

Overall, if you didn’t get into the first issue of this series, this is not the place to jump in. It’s not the most accessible thing to people who aren’t already into the series. If that’s the case, check out the first one. On the other hand, I definitely recommend this issue, and don’t go with just the digital version – this one is all about the artwork, so buy a physical copy and go to town looking at all of it in its full size glory. Even though it’s a $3.99 book made up entirely of two page spreads, it’s completely worth it.

Zac Kandell (known mostly on the internet as Mischlings) has spent too long wondering if this should even be considered a comic, but stopped once that started to get in the way of the fun of actually reading it. If you find what he says interesting, follow him on Twitter at @Mischlings or check out his personal blog.