Category Archives: Awake

TV Turnover

It seems like just when new shows get going these days they’re cancelled for something else.

Junior Varsity here with the scoop on some of this year’s shows, what’s ending, and what we have to look forward to.

Find out, after the break.

I was inspired to write this post upon hearing that Awake had been cancelled by NBC. In case you’re curious about it, check out my article from last month here: Awake

I am of course, sorely disappointed in NBC’s decision to cancel one of their most intriguing shows to date.

This is the time when networks are deciding the fate of many, so here are some other shows I’ve learned about:

Game of Thrones, the wildly successful adaption of George R.R. Martin’s book series by HBO, has been renewed for both a third AND a fourth season. Impressive. For more info, read my article here: Game of Thrones

Alphas, the Syfy superhero show often compared to Misfits or Heroes, has also been renewed for a second season. This makes me happy as well. For info about Alphas, read here: Alphas

Another Syfy show is also returning, quirky procedural Eureka. While some fans have lost interest, loyal followers are glad for the show’s fifth season, returning this summer.

On the disappointing side of Syfy, the Battlestar Galactica spinoff Blood and Chrome never made it past the pilot. The pilot was filmed, but the network decided it was too expensive and gave it the axe. This is similar to other spinoff Caprica, which made it one season before its demise.

Not surprisingly, NBC musical hit Smash is renewed, although much controversy surrounds what direction the show will go in beyond the season finale. For info on Smash, click here: Smash

(You can tell I watch a lot of TV, cause I keep writing articles about it).

AMC’s popular zombie drama The Walking Dead is set to return for its third season. While some fans have been thus far disappointed, signs indicate that the show is moving in a better direction, and that it will improve next year. Good job, AMC.

HBO’s vampire guilty-pleasure True Blood is sending out promos for it’s fifth season this summer. I rather enjoy the show. Filled with fantasy and sex, (and blood, of course) the show would be more enjoyable is it wasn’t suffering from romantic conflict every five seconds. Seriously, Sookie, calm the fuck down.

Also returning will be several shows with shortened, or half seasons. Most or all of these shows will end after this. These include:

FOX’s Fringe, on it’s fifth and final season. Having quite successfully ended its fourth, it’ll be interesting to see where it goes.

Community, by NBC. Marist PlayBoy knows this show much better than I do, but it certainly is funny. This is kind of a surprising move on NBC’s part. The show is beloved, but the ratings are going down. I’m going to attribute this to what is hurting a lot of shows: scheduling. People want to watch TV when they are free, not when the network demands. So when people don’t watch it live, and record it or wait for Hulu to pick it up, the network takes it as a sign of dislike. NETWORKS: THIS IS A LIE.

That’s my only rant, I promise.

30 Rock, for a full, yet final seventh season. Doc Watson has a lot more to say there I’m sure, as he is up to date on 30 Rock, and I am not. All I can say is that Tina Fey is awesome.

A recent interest of mine is Supernatural. It is currently finishing its seventh season, and no word on whether or not an eighth will come. Time will out, I suppose, but it’s got the quirky sci-fi feel that Joss Whedon (praise the Lord of Quirky Sci-Fi) has mastered.

So, Awake joins the early graveyard shared by Firefly and Jericho. We will mourn you.

This has been fun. If there’s a show you’re interested in that I have not mentioned, but you would like to hear about, leave it in the comments below, and I’ll share as soon as I know something.

Junior Varsity, signing out.