Category Archives: animal


just put out another single from their forthcoming album, Happy To You. It’s called “Paddling Out,” and it’s about as fun as the single “Devil’s Work” they gave us in December. Listen to both:
“Paddling Out”
“Devil’s Work”
And here’s a bit of a recap, if you don’t know anything about Miike Snow. Their debut album, Miike Snow, came out in 2009: you might’ve heard the single “Animal”:
Miike Snow is Swedish. Or majority Swedish – it’s two Swedish guys and one American. Also, and more significantly / interestingly, of the members (the Swedes) are a pop music production team responsible for a number of hits by, among others, Britney Spears, Madonna, and Girls Generation (of all people), but in my opinion Miike Snow’s sound is way better than any of the above. Random fun fact: the two-i “Miike” is a reference to the Japanese film director Takashi Miike, whose films are notoriously disturbing and really quite cool, and I think I’ll write about him one of these days too. But I digress. Back to Miike Snow they’ve also remixed a bunch of other songs (their version of Passion Pit’s “The Reeling” is my favorite of these) and get remixed even more often (see Mark Ronson’s “Animal” remix, I love this). In short, these guys know what they’re doing, and I’m pretty damn excited to hear the rest of this album; Happy To You is due out in late March.