Review: X #7

This is a very unusual issue of X, because X barely shows up.  This issue actually focuses on the officer we met in the last issue, Officer Ruidoso, as he hunts X with a band of police misfits and has to deal with the meddling of Lt. Setter and his Dogs of War.

Ruidoso’s team is oddly perfect.  They each have points in their background which speaks to their incorruptibility, but also skills which make the team well rounded and capable in just about any normal situation.  Unfortunately, X is not a normal situation.

I really like this team.  They have a sort of chemistry.  They crack jokes, they have their own personality.  They’re brave and they work well together.  There’s this one scene where they are sitting around in their civvies, and I swear they look like they could be a superhero team chilling out of costume.  I’m really wondering which/how many of them are going to end up working with/for X by the time this series is done.  It would make for an excellent team: them, Leigh and X dishing out some Vigilante justice.

Unfortunately for this review, there is a lot of major stuff that happens in this issue that for reasons of spoiler protection I just can’t reveal, which sort of leave me no choice but a brief review.  I really enjoyed this issue and definitely recommend this series, if you aren’t already reading it, you should be.  This issue, like all the others, is just $2.99.  If you want to get caught up, this may be issue #7, but it’s only the second issue in this story arch, so you can just get #6 to be all caught up on the action.

Matthew Bryant, a.k.a. Baker Street Holmes, is a writer and the lead editor for the Red Shirt Crew.  he hopes that Duane Swierczynski reads this and reads The Occultist, because they are referencing ‘the X-Killer’ and I would love to see X’s next adventure feature a magical big bad.  You can follow Holmes on twitter at @BStreetHolmes or email him at

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