Review: Bloodhound: Crowbar Medicine #2

Crowbar Medcine is heating up.  Clevenger is loaned to the US military and there’s a vigilante in town who impressively enough can stand his own against Clev.  It’s a race to hunt down Dr. Morgenstern, but can Clev get to him before his plan come to fruition?  I don’t know yet, I just like rhetorical questions.

There’s a lot going on in this issue, as you can see from the above.  First of all, Clevenger is now working under Major Boudreau, not the FBI, and he’s clearly not used to people defying him.  They will not get along well, and I like this.  Clev does just about everything he can to annoy the Major and it makes a number of the scenes quite comical.  I love it.

Then there is the vigilante, Terminus.  A number of things about: him he has powers… maybe?  Maybe it’s just another trait of his bulletproof suit?  He also carries two revolvers, which is like “why have revolvers if you have powers and are a pretty kick ass fighter?”, you know?  Massive props to either Dan Jolley or Leonard Kirk, whomever is responsible for Terminus’s emblem, because I’m a nerd hand have been looking for a cool way to incorporate either a contour integral or a section symbol into a superhero insignia.  The eye shape is elegant and beautiful.  It’s a little bit mystic, a little bit Eye of Horus, a little mathematics.  It’s fantastic.  I am such a nerd.

The last thing I just want to briefly mention, because I don’t want to go into any spoilers or anything, is that Dr. Morgenstern has at least one person willing to take him up on his offer that we know of, who I’m guessing will become our “mini boss” before Clev and company take on Morgenstern himself (and possibly an army of mutants?).  Looks promising!

I can’t wait to see what the next issue brings us.  Go check it out, $3.99 for 32 pages is a great deal.  If you didn’t catch part one, you can read my review and then purchase a copy of that too, to get caught up.  It’s worth it, I swear.

Matthew Bryant, a.k.a. Baker Street Holmes, is a writer and the lead editor for the Red Shirt Crew.  He just can’t get over the walrus mustache on the Major, and doesn’t blame Clev in the slightest for not taking him seriously.  You can follow Holmes on Twitter at @BStreetHolmes or email him at

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