Review: The Massive #16

I think this is the start of a wonderful new trio from Brian Wood and Garry Brown.  The Kapital‘s crew is faced with a very different kind of dilemma.  The Massive keeps hitting new, fascinating stories and I am so ready for another ride.

The Kapital and the Ninth Wave initiative were originally founded to fight against whaling.  After the crash, they became a general environmental protection group.  In issues 16-18, they find themselves against whalers for the first time in the series, but the whalers aren’t quite the force they originally set out to stop.

One of the things I love about this series, is that Wood keeps coming with fresh ideas of struggles for the crew of the Kapital.  They face wild animals, mutiny, the remnants of national navvies, storms, and more.  The idea that they are searching for the lost ship, the Massive, or that they are an environmental organization are not the only problems they must deal with.  It keeps things very interesting, and every time a trio of issues ends, I begin to wonder where he’ll take us next.

I’ve commented before on how much I love the art that Garry Brown does for this series and how happy I am that he seems to more or less be the official artist these days and I’m still thrilled with his art in this issue.  I do want to add a quick tip of my hat for J. P. Leon, who did the cover art.  It’s fantastic; the blood hanging down from the ship like a tapestry, a beautiful sunset, the harpoons in the water.

Not going to be much of a surprise, but I continue to support this comic series and this duo.  The Massive #16 is $3.50 and like other issues from this series slightly longer than other comics at 32 pages.  Not  a bad place to enter the series if you’re new to it actually.

Matthew Bryant, a.k.a. Baker Street Holmes, is a writer and the lead editor for the Red Shirt Crew.  He is really hoping that Wood eventually gives him the epic sea battle that he’s craving, and maybe another tantalizing tidbit as to what happened to the Massive.  You can follow him on Twitter at @BStreetHolmes or e-mail him at

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