Review: Brain Boy #2

I continue to enjoy Brain Boy.  I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again: I love myself a superhero story!  This series continues to be a lovely blend of humor and kick-ass psychic action in classic superhero style.

Actually, I feel like this is the first issue that really embraces that classic form of humor.  Brian Boy #1 had a very different spirit to its humor, it was more snide, dry and sarcastic.  This had more of a one-liner feel to the jokes.  There is nothing wrong dry humor, I rather like it, but for something which grew out of a 1960’s comic it doesn’t feel right.  However, I am a little off put by the change in tone.  I don’t know, maybe it won’t feel so awkward when next to one another in a volume.

I really like the progression in this story.  We start off where the last issue ended with Brain Boy faced with a psychic, possibly more powerful than he and by the time the issue ends, he’s facing a threat of a very different nature.  In the mean time, we see a glimpse of his relationship with the closest thing he has to family, and meet the mysterious Faraday.  There are some comic writers that I am consistently impressed with how much content, and even more the variety of content, some writers can work into 24 pages.

The art still strikes me.  Maybe this just a continuation of my love for superheroes, but it’s the powers that always get me.  Psychic powers are, in theory, unseen, so an artist is given a chance to depict them as they please.  As such, every artist draws them differently and personally I think R. B. Silva does a great job.  It’s nothing groundbreaking or unique, but a number of good choices were made.

I definitely recommend this comic, $2.99, as most comics are.  If you didn’t read the beginning I suggest you go and snag it too.  I’m already looking forward to the next issue, but a little sad knowing that it will end this story.  But what’s this?  A Brain Boy #0 approaches?  Huzzah!

Matthew Bryant, a.k.a. Baker Street Holmes, is a writer and the lead editor for the Red Shirt Crew.  If he could have any superpower, he would want retractable wings.  Then he would go troll the Vatican.  You ca follow him on Twitter at @BStreetHolmes or email him at

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