Review: X #6

Well, it seems my guess last time was correct, as this time we see what is much more clearly a story line that’s going to be continued.  I’ll go into the non-spoilers after the break.  So glad this comic is back on track!

One thing that strikes me about this series is the running theme of animals, making villains less than human not just in act but in look.  Berkshire literally ended up with a pig face.  In X #3, Leigh is attacked by gang members (who she refers to as “vermin”) and who are depicted with shaggy hair and pointed teeth.  Now we meet the “Dogs of War”, Terrier, Corso, Dane, Basset, Shepherd, Husky, and Setter, a corrupt band of narcotics cops.  Like with the street gang, they all have very canine features (I’m reminded of Marvel’s Sabretooth).  It’s interesting to see this motif running through the villainous character, but I would love it even more if the characters commented on their sub-humanity, even if not on their looks.  There is some very interesting commentary to be brought out there.

I think this issue did a great job balancing the scenes where we get Leigh’s insight into X and into their crime fighting relationship, X facing moral dilemmas of how to deal with innocents and the blood ass kicking that X is known for.  Oh, and presenting us with enough foreshadowing to make it clear that there is trouble brewing in Arcadia.  That was the big thing missing from the last issue, though it was after all a stand alone issue, not meant to tie into this issue in the first place.  Really well balanced, my commendations to Sweircyzynski.

I’m really curious about Officer Ruidoso.  At first I figured he was just the lone cop that decided to stand up to X.  BUt then they continue to involve him later in the issue.  Is he going to be an on going contact for X?  is he going to be this story arch’s Leigh and join up in their scum fighting endeavors after this?  I don’t know yet, but I’m interested to see where they go with him.  I have nothing yet that really draws him to me, but to have use him this much in one issue and then just drop him like a hot potato would be disappointing, at the very least from a character conservation perspective.

Last time, I recommended issue #5 as a good chance to get into the series if you weren’t already reading it.  Now we’re starting a new story arch, so it’s not too late yet.  Give it a whirl, $2.99 as always, and probably the best X issue thus far.

Matthew Bryant, a.k.a. Baker Street Holmes, is a writer and the lead editor for the Red Shirt Crew.  He apologizes for the late review, but he’s been moving across an ocean and looking for a job, so he hopes you all will understand.  If you want to follow him on Twitter, you can find him at @BStreetHolmes or email him at

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