Review: X #2

So in this month’s issue of X, we see plot development, and that’s about it, honestly.  Not that that is a bad thing; plot development is important. But I find it very interesting that a series which began in gratuitous violence has been less violent every week since.  I am however sad because the biggest events of the comic come near the end, and I don’t want to be spoiler-tastic.  Here’s what I can tell you…

So, I can tell you that X takes another crack at the criminal kingpin Berkshire, who he had a little trouble with in the last issue.  Of course, nothing is quite so easy, especially when the police are in his pocket.  And his office.  And probably his house.  But X never seems to have any trouble getting in to the places he needs to get into, and I’m seriously starting to doubt he bothers to think about how he’s going to get out.

This is the one action packed scene in the issue and is a great reminder of just how bloody and gruesome X can be.  It’s about 4 pages long in a 22 page comic, but it feels like about half of each of those pages is just blood, blood and more blood.  Until that point, the comic is a little slow, following the ‘action’ after the preceeding issue, but I feel could have been condensed into far fewer pages.  As I said in the introduction, the end is dramatic surprise after dramatic surprise.  I promised I wouldn’t go into it but I will say that it’s about four cliffhangers, not just one.

Despite the slow start, this is a good read, and especially if you’ve become a fan of the series as I have, I recommend getting it, as usual at $2.99.  While this wasn’t the best in the series, it did have a strong ending that really makes me wonder what we’ll see in the next issue!

Matthew Bryant, aka Baker Street Holmes, is an editor for the Red Shirt Crew.  X is one evil sonuvabitch.  This cannot possibly end well for him.  If you want to follow Holmes on Twitter you can find him at @BStreetHolmes or email him at

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