Review: Abe Sabien #2

Earlier this month, I reviewed Abe Sabien #1, a great first issue of the newest ongoing out of the Hellboy Universe. What made that issue great was the ability to bring up interesting questions without giving an answer (providing intrigue) and still keeping the reader satisfied with the set-up provided. It’s a tough balance to find, and Mike Mignola and Scott Allie nailed it. But maintaining that momentum is equally tricky. Did Mignola and Allie step up to the challenge, or is the second issue a step back? Let’s find out.

First, I’d like to talk about the opening scene. That does seem like a good place to start, obviously, but I mean really talk about it. I both love and hate this scene. At times, it feels quite forced. Without giving anything away, it puts Abe specifically in a location he’d want to avoid in order to gain intel that he should probably know by other means. It doesn’t explain how he gets in or out unnoticed, nor why the woman helps him without alerting anyone else to his position. Given the comic fails to really segue from the events of the last issue, it’s hard to imagine this was the cleanest way to handle things. And the dialogue involved does a lot of exposition about things that are already known to anyone who’s been following Hellboy comics. It feels quite disappointing…

…And then, everything changes. The scene suddenly introduces this theme of identity for Abe that is simply brilliant. Who he is, how he views himself, and how others view him cement themselves as a focal point for the ongoing, and the questions being asked actually provide some depth and insight that are thought provoking. At what point does a man stop being a man? What does it mean to be a man in the first place? And if he’s not a man, then what is he, and how are others supposed to react to an individual so much different than themselves? This scene and the scenes that follow paint both sides of that issue, and, refreshingly, there’s no definitive answer given, at least not yet.

In fact, the closing scene is one of the most emotionally powerful things I’ve seen. Yes, I know I’m being incredibly vague once again, but this is one of those scenes that just can’t be spoiled. There’s a lot of controversy behind religion and acceptance in society nowadays. Wait did I say ‘nowadays’? I meant to say ‘since the beginning of time’. My point is that there’s a certain connotation that preacher characters tend to bring. And some of these stereotypes turn out to be real. But the way in which he defies those stereotypes, and the reaction of the crowd to his decisions…it makes for one of the most emotionally gripping climaxes I’ve ever read in a comic. Not an exaggeration. This thing pulled me in and made me care about both sides of an issue in a way I didn’t think possible. When you can make my sympathies lie with both sides, you’ve painted a strong moral issue. It’s amazing work by Allie and Mignola, and more than makes up for my confusion at the beginning of the issue.

Taken from

Oh, yeah, should probably talk about the art. It’s hard to imagine forgetting to mention the work of Sebastian Fiumara and Dave Stewart on the art and colours respectively, but the story was just such a strong focus that I almost spaced it. The team once again does a great job, especially on the monster designs. The creepiness and hardship that fills the story is represented well in the art. [Edit: Originally in this spot, I’d written about my frustration with the art design of a particular character that reminded me explicitly of the Big Daddy from Bioshock in such a way that I found it distracting. As a commenter was kind enough to point out, this is actually a fancy Victorian era diving suit, so its placement here makes sense as a stylistic choice. I’d still have preferred something original here, as that image is so iconic to me that I can’t get over the allusion, but that is completely a personal issue, and I can’t possibly use it as a negative against the artwork, the rest of which I thoroughly enjoyed. My mistake.]

At the end of the day, Abe Sapien #2 is a worthy follow up to its predecessor, and actually does a lot to surpass already high expectations. While the first couple pages are a little rocky in the “well why is this happening” department, the characters and themes presented throughout are handled beautifully, and a true moral dilemma is raised for which I don’t think any character will have answers anytime soon. This is a series you should definitely be reading at its $3.50 cover price. So put down your computer and do it already! Unless, of course, you buy digital comics in which case just open a new tab but you get my point… 😛

Chase Wassenar, aka MaristPlayBoy, is the Lead Editor and Founder of the Red Shirt Crew. Every time he thinks he knows where a Mignola comic is going, he’s proven totally, totally wrong. You can read his other articles at ToyTMA,  follow him on Twitter at @RedShirtCrew or email him at

2 thoughts on “Review: Abe Sabien #2

  1. That “Bioshock”-looking suit is actually a fancy Victorian-era diving suit. It was introduced in BPRD in 2004, a few years before Bioshock came out…

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