Save the Supers

Wanted to spread the word about a funny new web series called Save the Supers.

In the style of the Office, follow the super-powered members of the Super Force as they deal with problems like budget review, keeping their jobs, and femme fatales.

Find out more, after the break.

The show came to my attention because it was created by Sandeep Parikh, most notable for his role in The Guild (the awesome web series created by Felicia Day). So I decided to check it out.

It’s pretty funny, and similar to the Guild, runs an average of 7-9 minutes.

So if you like superheroes, and sardonic humor – check it out. It’s got good special effects, snappy dialogue, and even a cameo by Felicia Day.

I for one, will be keeping my eye on it, because it’s freakin’ hilarious and has good actors.

Here’s the link to the site: Save the Supers


– JV out

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