Uncanny X-Men Fan Series

While at fight camp, I met a guy who told me about this, because he’s been cast as Juggernaut in the upcoming second season.

This is a fan made, unofficial web series based on the Uncanny X-Men comic books! And it’s free online! Wooo!

Find out more, after the break.

I love all things X-men, so when I heard there was a web series, I had to check it out.

The first noticeable thing is the show’s low budget. It’s not going to compare to the Avengers, or the X-men movies with effects. Still, the effects get better as the show goes along.

However, I found that I enjoyed it anyway. The show does a good job of making superheroes low budget.

The first season follows the rise of Dark Phoenix. And from what I’ve seen, this show is closer to the comic books than any other adaption. There’s a neat bit at the end of the episodes when it shows what event corresponds with the original comic panels. Very neat.

I must say that sometimes the dialog is a little bit cheesy, but when I thought more about it, that’s just another sign of their closeness to the material. The Uncanny comics are very cheesy in their language and actions, and so the fact that this show retains that instead of trying something else is neat.

So while it may appear unpolished or crude, I give this show kudos for actually managing to stay true to the original material we know and love. And I will continue to watch.

The series may be found here: X-Men Fan Series

Have a wonderful superhero-filled day!

– JV out

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