The Double Review

While browsing for an action movie on instant streaming, I came across this. Giving a shrug, I settled in to watch. Find out what The Double is all about, after the break.

Not much.

The Double (2011) is, at best, a bandwagon attempt at riding on Salt’s (2010) popularity.

The story is as follows:

An old CIA agent is pulled from retirement when he hears that a Russian assassin he never caught is killing once again. He’s teamed up with a younger agent, who is an expert on said Russian assassin.


The older agent actually IS the Russian assassin…or is he?!?!?!?


The younger agent is ALSO a Russian agent, but is he really bad inside?!?!?!

Yeah, it’s that much fun.

While the plot was lame and unsatisfying, the film boasted some big names:
Stephen Moyer, of True Blood fame, played imprisoned Russian agent codenamed Brutus (all the Russian agents were code named after Caesar’s killers – fun times). I actually like Moyer’s performance best of all.
Martin Sheen, of West Wing and many other things, played the director of the CIA. But this was a kind of ‘meh’ role for him. I was excited, and then his character didn’t go anywhere. Blame it, again, on the writing.

This has B action movie written all over it, and there weren’t even any satisfying fight scenes, just a car chase and the boss fight.

Very meh.

Don’t waste your time.

– JV out.

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