Where We’ve Been

So you may have noticed that there was only one article last week. Well, sadly, with a student run blog, the last week of finals combined with packing up and heading back home made it impossible for me to do my editing duties, and I didn’t want subpar articles coming out just to be there. I’d like to think we have a standard of quality at this blog, and that quality means a lot to me and the rest of us here. I thank you for putting up with a week without content, and I assure you such an event will not happen from now on.

That said, I have some exciting news. First, I’d like to formally announce that DocWatson and CakeVsDeath have been promoted to editor status. Having some more editors ensures we’ll never be content dry like we were last week, and these two are great for the job.

Second, the Tournament of Champions is not dead! I know it’s been two weeks, but the truth is that I do put a lot of time and research into these articles, and with finals, that’s been an impossibility. Given how out of my depth I am with Lord of the Rings outside of the basics, I’m going to need one more week to ensure I know what I’m talking about. Come Monday, however, the tournament will come back with a vengeance, and next Saturday, a champion will be crowned.

Finally, and most awesomely, in my humble opinion, we’re going to be talking to Chris Pranger and Kyle Martinak once again, and this time, our podcast will be posted on Escapist Magazine and their Media Sandwich iTunes listing. We’ll be doing the interviewing, but we’ll both be posting, so I’m looking forward to the exposure that it will likely bring. What makes this awesome for you however is that they love answering viewer/listener questions. Please ask away in the comments below, and we’ll make sure to ask them what you want to know.

Thanks again for your patience, and we look forward to providing you new content in the future


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