Kanto Region Day 1

Mewtwo vs. Jacob Black! Hagrid vs. A Chimera! Kratos vs. Dr. No! And a Dragon vs. Pit! It’s the first round of match-ups in the Kanto Region of the Tournament of Champions.

If you haven’t read the introduction, click here.

We’ve got four great match-ups to look at today, so lets get right to it. Here is the breakdown of the first four match-ups of the Kanto Region.

1. Mewtwo vs. 32 Jacob Black

I know that #1 seeds aren’t at risk of losing in the first round, but this match-up is laughable. Mewtwo is a Pokemon capable of incredible psychic power. He can read minds, decimate buildings, and is incredibly intelligent as well as being the most powerful Pokemon of the original 150. Giovanni’s Power Suit gave Mewtwo more power than ever before, so he’s definitely bringing that to this fight. It’s hard to see any non-magic user bringing Mewtwo down, but there’s no chance a love-struck Werewolf from Twilight of all things. He’s a competent Werewolf, but as a general rule, Werewolves aren’t clever; they’re too clouded with rage to bring a good battle strategy to the table. Mewtwo is way too powerful, and way too smart. He’ll take Jacob out easily.

16. Hagrid vs. 17. Chimera

Now I know what you’re thinking: at first glance, Hagrid doesn’t have a chance in this battle. Hagrid, the half-giant keeper of the grounds at Hogwarts has never been known for intense battle capabilities. He does have access to the most basic of spells, but that won’t be enough to take down a Chimera, a mythological creature with the body of a lion, the head of a goat (that can breathe fire because…Greek Mythology) and a snake’s head for a tail. Even if we assume Hagrid has a good deal of strength as a half-giant, that won’t be enough to take out such a savage beast…until we remember that taking down savage beasts is what Hagrid does best. He’s the caretaker for the school, capable of taming just about everything. I think he’s able to subdue the Chimera just long enough to leave it vulnerable, then take it out. I’m taking Hagrid in a mild upset. Which leads to our next battle…

1. Mewtwo vs. 16 Hagrid

Mewtwo takes this one easily as well. Hagrid has no resistance to psychic powers, and Pokemon don’t really fit into the Hogwarts breeding cycle. Mewtwo probably is getting bored of easy battles at this point, so it’s time to see who his next challenger will be.

8. Kratos vs. 25. Dr. No

Oh Kratos, you deranged, mass-murdering lunatic, they really gave you a softball on this one. I guess it’s to pay you back for such a low ranking. I mean, I know he doesn’t have his god powers yet, but he’s still one of the most deadly men to ever walk the face of the earth. Just think of how many times this man has escaped Hades. The forces of hell can’t contain this badass, and I’m supposed to believe he’ll be threatened by Dr. No, a Bond villain with metallic hands and a crazy mad-scientist vibe? This isn’t a “who can build a better death trap” competition! I want fighters. Kratos has used stronger men than Dr. No as cue tips. Kratos wins this one without breaking a sweat.

9. European Dragon vs. 24. Pit

Upset alert! As Angel in the Mirror pointed out in her article about her dragon collection, there are many different types of dragons. After asking the RA for clarification, I’ve confirmed that this dragon is the traditional black dragon that breathes fire and hoards treasure after kidnapping princesses and the like. That plays perfectly into the hands of Pit, who is incredibly underrated in this tournament (characters from more obscure video games suffer this fate a lot, unfortunately). Pit is a hybrid of Mario’s athleticism, Link’s ability to enhance himself, and Samus’s firepower. He has a bow blessed by the goddess Palutena that is super strong, and he has the ability to fly for extended periods of time. In other words, he’s perfectly suited to take out a dragon. I’m taking Pit on this one. Which means…

8. Kratos vs. 24 Pit

I’ve gone back and forth on this one at least twenty times since I started writing this article, and that’s not including all the times I thought about this match-up when I was originally planning out this series. I think Pit’s flight plays a big factor here. I mean, Kratos has range on his weapons, but Pit has more range, and he can fly away more quickly than Kratos can catch-up. That being said, Kratos likely only needs one hit to take Pit out (he’s just a kid, after all), whereas Kratos can likely take several of those arrows with his sheer strength and resilience. The winner of this match-up depends entirely on whether you believe Pit can fight a perfect fight…and I just don’t see it happening. He’s too young and inexperienced on a battle field. Kratos’s bloodlust will take advantage of the most minor of Pit’s slip ups, and I think that’s the difference here. Kratos gets the win in a much closer match than the seeding would indicate. This leads to our final match of the day…

1. Mewtwo vs. 8. Kratos

Mewtwo wins easily. I’m sorry; I know you guys were probably looking for a more climactic final battle for this round of games, but we all know Kratos is weak against Psychic manipulation; that’s how the whole premise for his series started. Mewtwo is the master of mind manipulation, and his psychic powers will more than overpower Kratos. If he was in his god form, he might stand more of a chance, but for now, Mewtwo advances, still searching for his first tough opponent.

Agree with my predictions? Disagree entirely? Let me know in the comments what you think, and if we get enough votes, I’ll let you know how the fan battles turned out. Come back tomorrow for the next four match-ups in the Kanto Region!

3 thoughts on “Kanto Region Day 1

  1. I agree with all of them except for Kratos vs. Pit. You say he's “young and inexperienced” and yes, he is young, but inexperienced? He's the leader of Palutena's royal bodyguard unit and the entire premise of Kid Icarus is him breaking out of HELL.

  2. Ok, that's true, but being young does imply some level of inexperience. Even if you give him the benefit of the doubt on experience, it's nearly impossible for a fighter to fight a perfect fight. People make mistakes. Many fighters in this tournament can recover from them. Kratos won't give Pit that opportunity

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