Arcade Fire!

Yeah. I’m totally jumping on the bandwagon. Arcade Fire is great. And I also know that I’m way late to the party, considering how long these guys have been around for, and considering they made the big leagues and achieved “mainstream” success after winning Album of the Year at last year’s Grammys. I mean, I knew they had that one song, “Wake Up,” that was in the “Where the Wild Things Are” trailer and then suddenly everyone knew about it. Even still, it wasn’t until I heard that song performed in a talent show some months later that I found out it was actually this group called “Arcade Fire” that wrote that catchy, anthem-y song. So from then on I acted like I totally knew who Arcade Fire was, even though I only knew one song. Kinda lame, I know, but in classic hipster fashion, I wanted to know who they were before they got cool. But I still only knew that one song! And I didn’t make any effort to check them out further, even when my little brother shared some links with me. It wasn’t until a couple weeks ago when I was working in the scenery construction shop at school and I heard a song I liked playing on Pandora…and it was Arcade Fire! A song called “Rebellion (Lies)” that now I can’t stop listening to. Really, it’s kind of ridiculous how many times I’ve played it on repeat. But since I’ve discovered this wonderful song (which I have linked at the bottom on this article) it has led me to look for more songs, and yeah, they’re great, yeah, they use dope instruments and arrangements, and yeah, I jumped on the bandwagon. And I love it. So if you only know “Wake Up” you should definitely check out some of their other songs! Some reccomendations: Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels), Crown of Love, Neighborhood #3 (Power Outage), and The Suburbs.
Happy Tuesday!

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