Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs Review

Some of you may be wondering where the hell I’ve been for the last two weeks, and honestly, I do feel as if I owe you guys an explanation. See, a very close friend of mine (more of a second mother, which is sometimes the best kind of friend), passed away right after my computer got hit with the bug that wiped my original Cloudy review. That combined with the stress of leaving my girlfriend (who I do not get to see nearly enough) caused me to slack off in my duties here at the site. If you’ve been missing my weekly reviews, I sincerely apologize, and I’ll be sure to be more diligent in my work ethic in the future.

Now that all that not-fun stuff is out of the way, I have a new review for you! I finally reshot my Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs Review, and now you can see why I feel so incredibly “Meh” about it.

Oh, and I have a surprise for you guys coming up shortly. Get excited 😛

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