Mission Impossible: Post the day before Christmas!

With great difficulty, I have escaped to come write this article. But not quite so much difficulty as the characters endure in the latest installment of the Mission impossible series.

Now, yes, I do admit, Tom Cruise being Tom Cruise gets a little boring. But with each progressive movie, the series, I think, has gotten better and better, especially the third one (Phillip Seymour Hoffman = <3)

So even though there was no Phillip Seymour Hoffman in this movie, I liked it just as much. Like the third installment, it had producer JJ Abrams’s touch of actual character development, which is rare in action movies these days.

The movie’s plot definitely kept me at the edge of my seat, my hands and teeth clenched tightly. Especially with more high altitude play and near death stunts. Also notable was a cameo by Josh Holloway, known primarily as a star of LOST. This made me very very happy.

New mission, harder than ever, with lots of comic relief (Simon Pegg is great as always and there’s a funny seduction bit with Paula Patton – the femme fatale of the movie). I mean, coming from the source material of the television show, I think this movie is really faithful, just with a bigger budget and imagination.

Also, it was directed by Brad Bird, also known for Toy Story 3, Up, and The Incredibles. Yes those are all animated, but so what? He’s talented.

Sometimes it was a little fast or hard to follow, but I don’t think it detracted very much. It catches you up pretty quickly, and there are some pretty awesome maneuvers. One thing I didn’t like was that the villain was treated to less screentime, so it was more like: inject radical fundamentalist and go! I mean after M:I:III, it’s hard to live up to Hoffman, but still. As a whole, though, it was a thoroughly enjoyable ride, which is all I expected. Unrealistic? Sure…fun winter break movie? Definitely.

That’s all for now. Short and sweet. Enjoy your holidays, and I’ll see you next week!

– JV –

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