Quote-able Movies Rock

After watching both “Easy A” and “Anchorman” this weekend, I realized that both of these movies have “quote-able” status. Meaning that you could easily say “milk was a bad choice!” and at least one person around you would laugh and understand the reference, probably more. How do movies reach this socially desirable status? Well, you’ve either got to be a hilarious movie with endless quotes (“Mean Girls” anyone?) or a serious movie that has really meaningful quotes, or one that in the right context, can be turned into something laughable (Never let go Jack!). And they’ve got to be the kind of movie lines that once you hear them, you want to committ to memory to spout later, or put as your facebook status to get some likes (no judgement, we all do it, all god’s children–“Easy A” quote for those of you who didn’t get it!). I’m trying to think as I’m typing right now of a single “quote-able” movie that I haven’t watched more than once, which leads me to infer another thing about these kinds of movies: you’ve got to like them so much that you watch them more than twice. Now, I’m just citing some generally applicable quote-worthy movies, but there are some movies that fit this status depending on the individual who watches it and their interests. BUT, for the sake of generilization (and my picks as well!) here’s what I dub the best quoteable movies (in no particular order).

1) Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy. This movie is filled with gems, mostly due to its all-star cast featuring Will Ferrell, Paul Rudd, and Steve Carell, and the improv these guys do. I mean, who didn’t start cracking up when Carell’s Brick said “I love lamp” or shouted “LOUD NOISES”? Put all of these guys in a silly situation, and quotes are bound to pile up.

Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy Poster

2) Mean Girls. The first time I saw Mean Girls, I was in fifth grade, so I didn’t get most of the jokes, but after watching it countless times, and after growing up a couple years, this movie never ceased to entertain me. And what’s great about this movie is that girls and guys alike find it funny. It’s not just a chick flick. And with a script written by Tina Fey it has to be comic gold. Example: “Four for you Glen Coco! You go Glen Coco!” followed by a curt “And none for Gretchen Wieners, bye.” I swear, the frequency with which I hear that Glen Coco phrase is through the roof.

Mean Girls

3) Elf. This is THE perfect Christmas movie. Or just a regular good movie, too. But can anyone help but utter “SANTA? I KNOW HIM!” all throughout the holiday season? Or go into an elevator and perhaps want to push all the buttons to “make it look like a Christmas tree.” Bring out candy canes? Someone better be there to inform everyone of the main Elf food groups: candy, candy canes, candy corn, and syrup.

Elf Poster

4) The Hangover. This movie was instantly quote-able. I knew half the quotes before I even saw the movie because people said them all the dang time! I kept seeing this as a status on facebook: “tigers love pepper, they hate cinnamon,” and a few days later, I think I did the same. Think about it, there really hadn’t been such an outrageous movie like that in a while with actors that were new to leading roles in movies. I’m pretty sure half the memorable quotes came from Zach Galifianakis, that goofy dude. But….let’s not talk about the second Hangover movie. Not the same, yet entirely the same. If you know what I mean.

The Hangover Poster

5) My personal favorite: The Princess Diaries. Okay, I know this isn’t typically one of those movies you’d automatically label as “quote-able” or for some people, even watchable in the first place, but at this point, I’m pretty sure I know half the lines to this movie. Maybe it’s the geeky Disney, Meg Cabot, and Anne Hathaway adorer in me that attracts me to this movie so much, but I will never pass up a chance to watch it. So this one is very quote-able for me, from beginning to end. “As if I wasn’t enough of a freak already, let’s add a tiara!”

The Princess Diaries Poster

Happy Tuesday and Happy Winter, folks!
(All pics from imdb.com)

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