Rage Month: Quick Hits

So for the last four articles I’ve written (three if you see my Linkin Park rage as one really long article, which it pretty much is) have all caused me a lot of inner pain, and I honestly can’t go through that right now. I’m sorry; I just can’t. I’m tired. I’m stressed with papers and finals coming up, and all these memories I’ve had to struggle through have just caused me too much pain.

So today, I’m doing something different. I’m going to give a quick list of a whole bunch of things that frustrate me that I don’t know enough about or don’t have enough original things to say to last for an entire article. I think this should be a lot of fun, but let me know in the comments if you don’t like it in the future.

– I hate Michael Vick with a burning passion. As a lifelong dog lover and a lifelong Falcons fan, his arrest for running a dogfighting organization and murdering those that weren’t successful with his own hands, constant lying to the Atlanta media, and eventual guilty plea took an emotional toll on the fan base. Seriously, it’s hard to put into words if you’re not a big sports person, but imagine watching a man you respect cry on National television because someone broke his trust that badly. It was so painful to watch, and as a fan, I felt betrayed. It didn’t help that it meant we lost almost every game that next season, though that’s partially the next guy on my list’s fault as well. Seriously, fuck you Michael Vick, and I really hope someone causes permanent brain damage every time you step onto the field. Not that you have any brains to begin with…

– I hate Bobby Petrino for taking advantage of the Michael Vick situation, alienating every important player on the team to the point where they asked to leave, then running away in the middle of the night leaving only a note in the players’ lockers as he went to Arkansas. Seriously, with a franchise that was already hurting, this man was the scum of the earth. If Michael Vick betrayed us because he’s absolutely stupid, Petrino betrayed us because he’s just an asshole. He took the money and ran after running our franchise into the ground. I hope he loses every game he ever coaches…

– I hate how gamer culture works so hard to alienate people who play different types of games. “Oh, you play Call of Duty? Clearly you’re a rage-filled swearing gun-crazed lunatic who is going to snap at any moment and start a murderous rampage. “Oh, you play turn-based strategy games? Clearly you’re a PC elitist who has a God complex and no reflexes or ability to think on the spot.” We all do it, so don’t even try to deny it. The fact of the matter is that nerd rage against “fanboyism” has to stop if we’re going to improve as a gaming society. Stop attacking others for the games they love and you won’t be attacked. On the other hand…

– I hate sports gamers and FPS fans, especially Call of Duty fans, who are willing to shell out $60 for the same damn game they released a year ago with minor improvements. Seriously, guys, money makes the world go round and you’re doing nothing but convincing developers that stagnation is their best economic policy. If you don’t demand massive improvements across the board, they’re not going to give you any because it doesn’t make economic sense for them to do so. For the love of God, there are so many great shooters that don’t have yearly iterations that have better single player by far AND a good multiplayer, but if you give your money to Call of Duty’s yearly iteration, no one else is going to have a chance in the market. I’m not saying Call of Duty is bad because that would be ludicrous, but I do believe it’s stagnated, and since Battlefield 3 wasn’t enough for it to stop breaking sales records, its going to have to come from the fan base demanding more. We don’t want Call of Duty to become the next Sims guys. We really don’t.

– I hate how Hayley Williams of Paramore fame sold out. Paramore was one of my favorite bands of the last five years, though admittedly I’m a sucker for any rock band with a strong leading female vocalist. To put it simply they rocked. Now, however, she’s decided to go out and party, make bad songs with rappers instead of focusing on her own music, and alienated the rest of the band to the point where they left. She went from being one of the top live performing female artists to sounding miserably live simply because she isn’t taking care of her voice anymore, and the music is what’s suffering. I thought Brand New Eyes was a decent album, but not as good as Paramore was capable of making. The more I read, the more I realize why this happen: Hayley Williams, you should be ashamed of yourself right now. Get your head on straight and do what you do best: sing your heart out and rock my socks off. Until then, I have to hate you. That’s just how it goes.

– I hate George Lucas.

– I hate that I don’t have any money and therefore cannot buy the 15 pages (word document single spaced) of comics I’m interested in buying. Seriously, being a broke college student is not fun, though it is above being a broke unemployed college graduate. Yeah, as an English major, that’s probably my fate in four years.

– I hate how that’s my fate in four years.

– I hate people who spoil movies for me. Seriously, guys, I want to watch the movie and figure it out. What purpose do you have in ruining the movie for me and everyone else who hasn’t seen it. I know there’s a statute of limitations on these things, but if it’s a newer movie, the “Don’t Be a Dick” policy applies; please don’t be “That Guy”. You know what I mean.

Well, that’s enough for now. That was fun. Let me know what you think on the new structure. And don’t worry, I’ll make it up to you later this week as I rant on my hatred for…ugh…Twilight. Damn you Stephanie Meyers!!!

Oh, and I went a whole post without ranting about Michael Bay. Be proud of me!

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