Week Three: I’m Just Saying…

Hey everybody. We’re back to being on schedule since I don’t have any massive research papers due in the near future. In celebration, let’s look back at the week that was. This week, I’m just saying…

…that I wish all of those who are attempting NaNoWriMo the best of luck in maintaining their sanity, especially Libby, who made her debut in the article linked above, and Panda Hat Girl, who I believe is planning on double posting her Nerf Wars blog posts just to get by. Seriously, I want to be a fantasy novelist when I graduate, but doing a whole novel in a month? I have things to do. I’d like to pass my classes if possible. And after all, the internet isn’t going to watch itself :P.

…that I am incredibly curious what you guys think of my adaptation of Nerf Wars, To Be the Guy. It is a story I really enjoyed writing, and I’d love feedback if you’re willing to give it. Who knew King Arthur would be reincarnated as a nerf expert. Only in Skiffy Nerf Wars mythos could such a story exist.

…that Another Earth (Because Who Doesn’t Love Alternate Universes?) really intrigues me. For those of you who haven’t quite figured it out yet, Junior Varsity and I tend to butt heads on certain cinematic and television issues. For example, he absolutely loves Lost, a series that is built on weaving a clever mystery over the course of six seasons, while I hate it because the characters (at least in the first season) never seem to grow and nothing ever seems to be answered. It’s a show build on people sticking around to the very end, which is a pretty massive leap of faith guys.

But I’m digressing. I’m intrigued by Another Earth because Jason says it’s one of his favorite movies he’s ever seen, but the critics have been a lot more hit or miss (that 63% range on the tomatometer in which people either really love it or think it’s stupid, yeah it’s there). I love sci-fi a lot, don’t get me wrong, but if you couldn’t tell by my first reaction to Black Dawn, another sci-fi series Jason enjoyed, I need a movie to make me suspend my disbelief. You have to earn it, movie. I hope Another Earth hits that sci-fi sweet spot of mine, but I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

…that if you enjoy seeing me knocked down a peg, or simply enjoy intellectual conversations on the concepts of nothingness and surrealism, you will enjoy Red Shirt Podcast #3: And Now…Pandas! Seriously, just go listen. It’s pretty awesome :).

…that I think Elena should be happy that I made her my zombie minion in last week’s Nerf Wars Rundown: Episode 2. I could have turned Mack Attack and shot her to escape, after all. Instead I choose to protect my own, and what happens? She sarcastically remarks on how I abandoned her to the veterans. That’s just a small detail in the large scheme of things, really 😛

Still, I am incredibly grateful that my gaffe didn’t give away Watson’s position. I don’t think I would have ever heard the end of it, and as the pronounced King of the Red Shirts (apparently; see today’s upcoming podcast for details), I probably would have been dethroned to say the least. Really, really glad that ended well.

Oh, and how is “Stuff happens because Chase does shit” not a weekly feature yet. We need to work on this… 😛

…that Huge 8itch’s advice on how to be a good DM in Exalted mixed with his wish list of RPG’s is really putting me in the mood to get that Mouse Guard game going. I have an incredibly limited amount of experience with this RPG-ing, but it sure as hell seems more awesome the more I know about it. Though sorry buddy, I’m not willing to hand over the “Best exposition guy ever” reigns just yet. You’re moving closer though, for what it’s worth.

…that while I appreciate thekeynote’s take on what she believes is wrong with Lady Gaga, I have to admit that I am digging her new stuff just as much as I enjoyed the old. I don’t really care for Edge of Glory, but Judas is great, and the album as a whole (yes I’ve listened to it all the way through; don’t judge me) is really solid. Yes, she’s a Madonna copycat, but I liked Madonna’s stuff too, and maybe a more modern Madonna is reason enough to exist. Of course, that could just be the Stockholm Syndrome talking due to months of listening to it driving my girlfriend home from school.

I really hope she isn’t reading this. 😛

…that I agree with Junior Varisty that Nick Sagan is an Awesome Dude. His Idlewild trilogy is now officially on my list, right after I read the latest Dresden Files book, all of Codex Alera, the Game of Thrones series, The Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Asimov’s Foundation series (and probably some of his other stuff), the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy, some Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett books, and catch up in my British Literature and Philosophy courses. So clearly any day now.

…that I really do want to thank Marvel Studios for creating on of the coolest projects I’ve ever seen. I don’t think I even mentioned how excited I am that Joss Whedon, a character and dialogue genius, is directing this movie. I love everything he touches, and he’s exactly the kind of guy they need to make this whole “multiple superheroes with conflicting personalities forced to work together” thing work. And with him behind the realms, I have all the faith in the world that it will.

Please God, don’t let that last sentence haunt me.

…that Gus is right: you really should Brace yourself…Skyrim is coming. This game looks to be absolutely amazing. The environment is beautiful, the NPCs respond realistically (ex. Swords you drop will get picked up by passerbys and, depending on their personality, be given back to you, sold to a local shop where you’ll find it in town, or they’ll attempt to kill you with it), and it fixes the automatic levelling issue that was my biggest problem with Oblivion. Could not be looking forward to this game more.

…that I am always in favor of mash-ups and awesome playlists (thanks madame spiceosis), but I do have to admit that I’m not really sure if this is good stuff. I mean, it seems awesome, but I’m much more of an alternative/emo/metal rock kind of guy, and unfortunately, they don’t lend themselves well to mashups and happy playlists.

I will throw this out there: if anyone can make a good mashup featuring Skillet and Three Days Grace, I will erupt in fanboy glee. I’m just saying.

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